day of the week memory trick
0 s, z, soft c 1 t, d, th 2 n 3 m 4 r 5 l 6 j, sh, soft ch, dg, soft g 7 k, hard ch, hard g, ng, qu 8 f, v 9 b, p
figure out any day of the week between 1700 and 2199:
century: 1700,1800,1900,2000,2100 century code: 20542 phoenetic version: NZLRN memory phrase: NaZuL RaiN eg: 2036 -> 4
year1: two digit year (without all of its sevens) eg: 2036 -> 36 -> 36-(7*5)=1
year2: two digit year divided by 4 (ignore remainder and remove all sevens) eg: 2036 -> 36/4=9 -> 9-(7*1)=2
month: J,F,M,A,M,J,J,A,S,O,N,D month code: 366 240 251 361 phoenetic version: MJJ NRS NLT MJT memory phrase: MuCH NoRSe NuLleD MatCHeD eg: June -> 0
day: day number (remove all possible sevens) eg: 29 -> 29-(7*4)=1
total and remove all sevens
answer: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 day of week: S,S,M,T,W,T,F
example: July 31 1882 century + year1 + year2 + month + day 0 + [82-(117)] + [(82/4)-(27)] + 2 + 31-(47) 0 + 5 + 6 + 2 + 3 16-(27) 2 Monday